Scorpion Control Should Be Left To Professionals

Pest Library

Area sees its fair share of pest problems, and knowing which pests you’re dealing with when you find one in your home or business is helpful for several reasons. Our pest library provides helpful information about our areas most common pests, including what they look like, if they are a cause for concern, and how to get rid of them.


Scorpions thrive in dry, desert-like conditions making a place where home and business owners often run into them. Some of the more common species in our area include the desert bark scorpion, giant desert hair scorpion, brown scorpion, and wind scorpion (sun spider).

No matter the species, avoiding contact with scorpions is important. They are a type of stinging pest and will use the stinger found at the end of the tail to defend themselves. The venom a scorpion possesses is strong enough to cause an allergic response in people. If ever stung by a scorpion, seek medical attention immediately.

While scorpions do prefer desert conditions, they also require moisture. During the heat of the day, these critters hide either in an underground burrow or under things like woodpiles, rocks, landscaping ties, or under trash cans. At night they emerge to hunt for crickets, spiders, cockroaches, and other small prey. Moisture and cooler living conditions often draw scorpions to a home.

If the weather is very hot and dry, they will move inside through cracks in the foundation or exterior walls, holes screens, or gaps around windows and doors. Once inside, they move to the damp, cool areas of a home like bathrooms (sinks and tubs), kitchens, and basements. Scorpions tend to travel in groups, so if you spot one in or around your home, know that more are lurking nearby.


Scorpion Stings & Treatment

Most of the scorpions that enter homes are not poisonous; but if you are unsure it’s usually better to assume that they are poisonous. Of the estimated 1,400 species of scorpions, only about 20 to 25 can inflict potentially fatal stings. Scorpion stings are most serious in young children, older adults, and pets.

scorpion stings are mostly harmless and the majority of healthy adults don’t need treatment for scorpion stings. Their stings are painful – similar to bees or wasps. A person who has been stung may feel a painful, tingling, burning or numbing sensation at the sting site.

The sting usually causes discomfort that ranges from moderate to severe depending upon the individual scorpion and the person’s reaction to the venom. An ice pack applied to the affected area will relieve some pain and the symptoms should decrease over time. A person who is stung by a scorpion should be watched closely for adverse allergic reactions.

only one species (the bark scorpion), found mainly in the desert Southwest, has venom potent enough to cause severe symptoms. Scorpion stings can pose a medical threat especially to the young, elderly, and pets. Get immediate medical care for any child stung by a scorpion.

If you are experiencing any of the following serious symptoms go to the Emergency Room immediately:

Breathing difficulties;

Difficulty swallowing or talking;



Extreme or persistent pain;


Muscle twitching or thrashing;

Numbness that spreads to entire extremity;

Paralysis of area or extremity;

Unusually high or low blood pressure;





chances are that sooner or later a scorpion is going to cross your path-or living room floor. Either way, you are going to be anything but excited and may feel disgusted or even scared. And while your initial reaction may be to go ahead and take care of the scorpion problem by burning down the house, you should take a step back and evaluate what other options of scorpion control are available to you. Plus, how much do you really know about scorpions?

Scorpion Species in Mesa and Beyond

The bad news is that there are several scorpion species that call Mesa their home, however, the good news is that most of them aren’t dangerous and/or poisonous.

The striped-tail scorpion is, according to the Desert Museum, the most common scorpion. It can be found virtually anywhere from the desert to the mountains, sea level and beyond. It gets its name from the distinct dark ridges on the underside of its tail. It measures about 2 inches in length and likes to hide under rocks during the day like most Mesa scorpions do.

One of the less common scorpions in the Mesa area is the giant desert hairy scorpion. While it is an active and aggressive scorpion, its venom is not very potent and thus it is not really big on our scorpion watch list.

The Bark Scorpion is one of the most common scorpions in Mesa and surrounding areas. Unfortunately, it is only the most dangerous one and the only species that is willing to climb walls and trees, making it a frequent visitor in your home. And because they like to be upside down, people often get stung from a scorpion that is on the bottom of something.


Scorpions to Snakes: Here’s What Not to Do if Stung or Bitten

When spring and summer arrive, soon you might start to hear about snakes sunbathing on trails and scorpions skittering about. These crazy critters can add a little bit of suspense to your day if you encounter them.

Scorpion Stings

Do Not Panic

Most patients can safely observe for and manage symptoms from a scorpion sting at home.

Do not apply ice to the sting site

Instead: Ice may feel good when applied but once removed, the pain will return with worse intensity. Instead, use a cool compress. Use several small towels and soak them in a bowl of ice water. Apply one of the cool compresses to the sting site and rotate it with another freshly cooled towel from the bowl as needed.

Do not try to trap or retrieve the scorpion for identification

Instead: This puts you at risk for another sting. You can instead kill the scorpion and dispose of it if it’s inside your home. “The identification won’t alter what symptoms to look for or what treatment options you have,”

“While bark scorpions are a smaller relative to other species of scorpions, “baby scorpions” are not more harmful or deadly. The age of the scorpion doesn’t determine the extent to which symptoms will occur, just the species.”


Why Are There Scorpions In My House? Here’s Why – And How to Get Rid of Them

Just the name alone is enough to invite a shudder to run through your entire body – scorpions. The exact creature that is guaranteed to be in a creepy movie or thriller, either as an obstacle for the main characters to pass on the way to find an exit or as a tool to pressure someone into a confession of some sort.

These creatures have been around for millions of years thanks to their skills of survival which allows them to adapt to various weather changes, conditions, and climate changes. But what is it that attracts scorpions to your home and once they have taken up unfortunate residence; how can you get rid of them? Let’s find out

What is a Scorpion?

Scorpions are members of the aforementioned Arachnid family and are closely related to the insect population. With almost 2,000 different species, it is a fortunate thing that only approximately 30 or 40 species of scorpions are poisonous to humans. While most scorpions still have venom running through their stinger at the end of their tail; the venom isn’t enough to fatally harm an adult. They typically dine on insects but have proven to be greater than average when it comes to adapting; as they can slow their metabolism in times of a food shortage. When a scorpion slows its metabolism, it can survive on one insect per year but still possess the speed and strength needed to take down prey.

Scorpions have shown during field studies an incredible set of survival skills, with a tool to counter any problem they encounter, from frozen conditions to a lack of oxygen and food. The only true weakness per say that they have, would have to be the need of soil for survival. As a burrowing creature, they must have loose soil to hide, sleep, mate, etc. Scorpions are described as a hard-shelled arthropods with eight legs and a tail. Some of the species can even glow in the dark due to ultraviolet light entering and then reflecting off the shell. The tail is a curved shape that is broken up in individual segments and ends in a barb or stinger point.

An Abundance of Moisture in the Home

If moisture levels are high in your home due to natural circumstances, such as you live in an area that is prone to flash-flooding or flooding due to the seasonal changes, you might see scorpions throughout the residence looking for water. One of the top reasons a scorpion will enter a home is to primarily search for water and then food.

Want To Know How To Exterminator Bed Bugs

How to Get Rid of Silverfish and Everything Else You Need to Know

What is a Silverfish?

Silverfish are tiny insects, measuring a measly 13-25mm long. They can be creepy to come across in the middle of the night, as the three long cercei attached to their abdomen are often mistakes for stingers. Silverfish get their name from both their colour and the way they move – they have a light sliver, blue sheen and get around your house with a fishy wiggle.

How Do Silverfish Get in the House?

Despite their minuscule size, or maybe because of it, silverfish are master burglars. They’ll enter your home without breaking a sweat, invading through crawl spaces, foundation cracks, torn screens or large gaps under and around doorframes. Silverfish also stowaway in cardboard boxes and plastic containers, particularly if the box originally came from a silverfish infested area. If you’re trying to figure out how to avoid silverfish in the future, sealing up these potential entry highways will go a long way in controlling any invading populations. All it takes is a few minutes every week and a keen eye for detail, filling any cracks, gaps and holes as you go.


What Are Silverfish Attracted To Inside Our Homes?

Since silverfish are attracted to moisture, having a moist environment inside a home will make silverfish feel right at home. A humid environment, leaky pipes or fixtures, or any other condition that causes moisture or water build-up, will attract moisture-loving pests. But silverfish are also attracted to several other things, namely, things that they like to eat:

  • Silverfish love to eat a good book. And they don’t care if that book is something you plan to donate to Goodwill or a treasured keepsake that has been in your family for generations. Silverfish love to get inside a book and eat away at the glue that holds that book together.
  • Silverfish will also nibble on fabrics, especially if that fabric has food or drink spilled on it, or if it contains starches or adhesives. But they also enjoy chewing on cotton, linen, silk, and even leather items. If you have special clothing items stored away, such as a wedding dress, then it is not a good idea to have these destructive insects roaming around in your home.
  • If you are fond of your wallpaper, silverfish are even more fond of it. Silverfish love to eat the paste off of the back of wallpaper. This will eventually cause it to sag and peel off the walls, and put a small, or perhaps not-so-small, dent in your wallet when you need to re-paper or paint.
  • Pantry items. Silverfish love to chew through packaging, exposing food to the air. This will either allow the food to spoil or get stale or, worse, you could find yourself face to face with a silverfish floating around in your cereal bowl.
  • Old photos. Silverfish will sometimes eat old photos and, literally, deface them. If you have memories stored away in a box of old photos and you have silverfish in your home, know that those memories could be erased.


Common Mistakes Homeowners Make Regarding Silverfish

If you are wondering why silverfish have chosen your home, keep reading. Many homeowners don’t realize that certain conditions attract moisture-loving pests such as termites, earwigs, and silverfish.

  • Broken or obstructed gutters can cause water to collect along walls or foundations which will attract moisture pests.
  • Bushes or vegetation up close to a foundation can also cause moisture problems.
  • Leaky spigots make it nice and wet for moisture pests.
  • Holes, gaps, and cracks in foundations and walls are a sure way silverfish and other pests find their way inside.
  • Humid or moist areas in your home will make these insects feel right at home.


How to fight the infestation of silverfish?

Make no mistake, silverfish much prefer new homes than older. So no matter what type of property you found them, control means are the same.

The best way to fight against silverfish is to maintain moisture free places , for example clog the pipes leak, redo the window seals if necessary. In short, avoid water seepage. Remember to vacuum regularly and rigorously in corners. Also, clean the table scraps and crumbs, even in the most hidden and less accessible places, such as drawers, bottom of wardrobe, etc.

In addition to repel silverfish, as you move away from other insects such as cockroaches or ants that are attracted to the same things.

– Biological Control

It is easy to get rid of silverfish, at the same time you have a controlled environment using the above advice.

For the biological control against silverfish, you can use diatomaceous earth, a non-toxic to humans or pets. Used for its abrasive properties on insects, the insecticide bio can be sprinkled along baseboards, behind furniture and under appliances, under the sink, along the walls and on the route taken by silverfish. So that insects will scrub their bodies, they will die, but not automatically by dehydration.

– Homemade Methods

If you have found a small amount of silver fish inside your home or another building, you can try a homemade tip to capture pests. Know that this thing will not work if you are infected!

Take a glass jar covered with masking tape (masking tape) and place it in the most frequented places by insects. Silverfish will climb naturally on the pot and go refuge. Since they can not climb on smooth surfaces, they can not crawls out of the pot. Therefore, you can put in the pot some soapy water to kill them. Here you go!


How can I get rid of silverfish and firebrats?


Cleaning is the most important part of controlling silverfish and firebrats, as it is for all crawling insects.

  • Vacuum often to help remove food particles and insect egg masses.
  • Regularly clean around and behind appliances and machinery, inside cupboards, drawers, and pantries.
  • Keep countertops clean.
  • Also clean beneath sinks and other dark or humid locations.
  • Wrap or insulate pipes that have too much moisture. Repair leaky faucets and pipes. Ventilate bathrooms and dehumidify areas of excess moisture.


Silverfish and firebrats can be easily trapped in small glass containers (like baby food jars). Wrap the outside of the glass with tape and set the container upright in areas where you have seen silverfish or firebrats. The insects will climb up the taped surface, but they will be trapped in the glass container, because they cannot climb smooth surfaces.

Wasps Sting Symptoms And Treatments To Soothe Pain

Pest control – wasps and bees

Wasps are not always considered pests. They are good for gardens and keeping other garden pests under control. But, they can nest in the house and be a nuisance and a danger

What to look for

Like bees, wasps are generally yellow and black in colour, but with a brighter shade of yellow. Bees tend to be a shade between yellow and orange. Wasps are generally thinner and longer than bees, reaching two centimetres in length. They have smooth, shiny bodies whereas bees have a furry texture. Wasps do not swarm.

The most common places for wasp nests in buildings are lofts and wall cavities. If you see wasps coming out of a specific point on a building or in a garden, this is a good sign that there is a nest. Wasp activity is seasonal. They begin building nests around spring time, reaching maturity in late summer. Activity dies out in winter. 

Before you book

Depending on the time of year, location of the nest and other factors, we may not be able to provide treatment

Before booking, please consider the following:

How much of a problem is the nest causing? Could you leave it alone? Wasps are good for your garden.

In late spring and early summer you can treat wasp nests using insecticide. You can buy this from most garden centres and hardware stores.

Before contacting us you must make sure that the nest is on your property.

Before booking an appointment you must be able to identify where the wasps are entering your property. You can do this by looking.

Why Choose Able Group Wasp Control?

Your Professional Wasp Nest Removal Service

Wasps are a seasonal pest, actively infesting homes in the warmer months of the year. Wasps can be aggressive or agitated when their nests are threatened. It is important that any attempt to remove the nest is carried out by a professional wasp removal expert. A nest can contain thousands of wasps, particularly in the height of summer. No matter how severe your wasp infestation may be, our expert pest control technicians can help.

The colony of wasps will contain one queen. The main aim of the treatment is to ensure the poison reaches the queen and kills it. This in turn should destroy the entire nest. As wasps do not have fur coats like bees do, they are easier to kill. The treatment will stick to the wasp and transfer deep into the nest killing both the queen and the nest.


If you spot a high volume of wasps in your garden or around your home, chances are there is a wasp nest nearby. The earlier the nest is treated, the easier it will be to deal with. Multiple wasps leaving and re-entering the same area normally spells trouble. The time of year will determine whether you are contending with their irritable state or not.


When this insect finds itself indoors, they prefer to nest in sheltered locations that offer easy access to the outdoors. So it’s not surprising to find wasp nests in lofts, garages and cavity wall spaces. You can even find a wasp nest in the eaves of your home. If their nest is outside, they will likely find an old rodent burrow, hollow tree or bush to nest in. Nests are formed of chewed wood and can grow surprisingly large


Occasionally you will only be able to identify the wasps by sound. This is usually when the wasp nest is located in places that are hard to spot such as in your roof. In such instances they will generate a loud buzzing sound that is easily recognisable. The buzzing will not be that of an individual wasp either so will be easy to identify.

Pest Control Company

Bugs and pests can be an everyday occurrence, but there can be times when they’re presence is a little overwhelming, especially if they’re inside of the property. Although many of us take steps to ensure creepy crawlies, rodents and wasps are kept at bay, there will be times when it’s just too much for us to contend with.

As such, we need to find a company that can offer professional pest control in Chester. Although there’s nothing wrong in finding a pest control company in Chester that is affordable, we need to ensure that we’re not sacrificing the quality of the service to receive a lower price.

The concept of pest control may seem straightforward, but different pests call for different methods, and it’s not something that should be attempted by an amateur. Not only could it make the problem worse, but it could antagonise the pests, making them more destructive. Using the right tools and solutions in the first instance will ensure that a permanent solution is put in place, rather than you having to make a series of appointments to get to the bottom of the issue.

Wasp, Bee, Rodent and Bedbugs Removal

Some pests can be more intrusive than others, but it stands to reason that we’d rather have a solution in place sooner rather than later. Whereas some pest control companies may only be able to work with certain types of intruders, Eliminate can contend with all forms of different pests in a safe and professional manner

Eliminate understands that every pest control is urgent, which is why it will schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Some infestations may need immediate attention, but a professional will be able to advise of this once you have explained the problem to them.

Pest Control Advice – Wasps

Habitat and biology

Wasps are social insects living in colonies inside nests that they build from wood pulp. The most common locations for these nests in buildings are roof spaces, airbricks and w all cavities. Outside nests are often built in garden sheds, holes in trees, hedges and soil banks.

The building of each nest starts in the spring when the fertilised queen wasps emerge from hibernation and search for suitable sites to rear new colonies. This is usually around Easter time but can vary enormously depending on the weather and temperature. The number of queens emerging from a single property can vary from the odd 1 or 2 to what looks like a small swarm. Although it may appear that the queens are all together they are in fact working independently of each other in seeking out a nesting site. These individuals can be dealt with by purchasing an aerosol spray and applying it with regard to the manufacturer’s instructions. There is nothing that we (or any private company) can do at this stage.

When the queen has found a suitable site she begins building a nest about the size of a golf ball in which she lays between 10 and 20 eggs. Most of these will fail to result in an active nest. Initially the young queen feeds the larvae that emerge, but once they reach adulthood (‘worker wasps’) they take over the enlarging of the nest and the feeding of all subsequent larvae that hatch. This is usually from about late May to the end of June and it is from this point that we can consider treating it.

The queen continues to lay eggs throughout the summer until early autumn, by which time the nest can contain 3,000 to 5,000 individuals (although most are smaller) and can be up to 30 cm or more across. By this time most people will be aware of the presence of a nest by the continual wasp activity around the entrance point.

During the later part of the summer the nest produces fertile males and new young queens who emerge and mate. The males die and the now fertilised queens fly away to find somewhere to hibernate for the winter. This can be in lofts, sheds, garages, overflow pipes etc.

Wasps Control

If you notice that the number of wasps you inspected is increasing, there is a chance that there might be a nest around or in your property. To eliminate the risk of getting stung, you need to inspect your home and inspect your business building and treat the infestation to a control and removal service and get a protection system on an urgent basis.

Key Facts:

They are found in every continent around the world, except in polar regions.

The sting is poisonous and can result in swelling. In some cases, it is possible for a person to die due to a sting if they are allergic.

The stinger is smooth as compared to a bee, that is why they can repeatedly sting, unlike honeybees.

They emit a pheromone into the air when they die as a signal to warn its fellow mates.

They can sleep and hibernate for many months while hanging from their teeth.

They are smaller in size as compared to hornets.

Only a female can sting and do it repeatedly.

European Wasp:

The size of a worker varies between 12-17 mm.

European wasps are aggressive stinger.

They have two pairs of clear wings, and the first pair of wings are larger in size.

The queen can survive over the winter; however, the nest, including the male and females, die during the winter.

Yellow Jackets (Social Wasp):

They can eat other insects as well as human food.

They can repeatedly sting when provoked.

Worker is 15 mm long whereas queens are 19 mm long.

They have 2 pairs of wings and have alternating black and yellow bands.

Common Wasp:

They have 2 black antennae and fly around with their legs close to their body.

Their size varies from 12 mm to 16 mm.

They have 2 pairs of wings, and their first pair is larger than the second pair.

They are known to be aggressive insects

Native Paper Wasp:

There are 35 different paper species in Australia, including Melbourne.

Their size varies between 10-22 mm.

They have a slender body with a very narrow waist.

They have a small head, but their eyes and antennas are of medium size.

Pet Snake Care

General Facts About Snakes

How Snakes Move

The bodies of snakes have no feet, flippers or legs to propel them along. They must use the action of their scales and muscles to scoot their bodies across the ground. The scales on the underside of their bodies are specialized for this purpose like the tread on a tire.

Different species of snakes use one of the four manners of movement: concertina, serpentine, sidewinding, and caterpillar.

Where Do Snakes Live?

Snakes are common animals and chances are that you have seen a snake slithering around at some point in your life. They can be found on every continent on Earth except Antarctica and can be found in a variety of habitats. A habitat is a place where an animal naturally lives and includes the animal’s surroundings and home.

Some snakes live in habitats on land, including forests, prairies, and deserts. Others live in water environments. Even though snakes can be found all over the world, most of the snakes live in warm tropical climates.

Did you know that snakes need to control their own body temperature? You can find snakes laying in the sun to warm themselves up and slithering to shady spots to cool themselves down. Snakes that live in cold places hibernate (sleep) all throughout the winter so that they survive!

How do snakes sleep?

The snakes have a circadian rhythm, and this is when they are totally active at a certain period of time. There are some snakes that are completely diurnal while others are completely nocturnal. However, others are found in between. Others will be active in the night or in the day according to the season. This is why it is hard to talk about how long the snake can sleep. Sometimes the snakes may exhibit sleep-like behaviors such as staying in one place for some hours, days and sometimes weeks without moving. However, the snake may exhibit this behavior when in reality it is foraging. A snake in this position may be waiting for prey, ready to ambush, envenomate or strike, and it will be fully aware of its surrounding. During this time, the snake will not sleep but will be completely attentive.

The eyes of the snakes do not have eyelids and they are covered by clear scales in the wild and in captivity. A motionless snake may never twitch and all signs that seem to show that an animal is sleeping like irregular heartbeat and breathing may just be normal to the snake. Since a snake will not be able to hear loud noises or see bright lights, it is hard to known when it is sleeping because it won’t react.

It is known that snakes do sleep, but what is not clear is for how long, how deep it can sleep, if it has a paradoxical sleep or not, and if it dreams. The sleep pattern is also different for various species of snakes. The snakes may also yawn but only as a way of gathering chemical cues or repositioning the musculoskeletal elements, which are not the same reasons that humans yawn. Sleep is important in the human biology, but the benefits of sleep in snakes are not well studied and more information is needed.

What should you do when a snake approaches you? I heard that one must stand still and the snake will not attack. Is this true?

When you see a wild snake approaching you, hold stock still. If you make a movement, it will see you and flee. If you make no movement, it just might get close enough for you to observe a fascinating creature in very close proximity. No snake wants to have anything to do with a human; if it is approaching you, it obviously doesn’t see you.

There is a common but false impression that snakes are bloodthirsty creatures that want to get people. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The only reason a snake will bite a person is if it is attempting to protect itself. Often this will happen if a person takes a snake by surprise by nearly trodding on it.

If you see a snake moving toward you, a simple movement will cause the snake to freeze to escape detection (and subsequent predation as far as it knows), or it will flee for its life.

Snake Protection : Snake Boots, Gaiters, Chaps and Gloves

Throughout the world, people are living, working and playing in venomous snake territory every day.  Venomous snakes are found in every continent besides Antarctica and are responsible for 2.5 million envenoming snake bites, resulting in up to 125,000 deaths each year.  While most snake bites are nonlethal with the help of medical treatment and antivenom, most are also preventable.  Aside from avoidance, the most effective means of snake bite prevention is by using snake protective clothing such as snake boots, snake gaiters, snake chaps, and snake

Unfortunately, the parts of the world with the most snake bites and deaths are also parts of the world where poverty is very prevalent and antivenoms are very limited in supply.  To make matters worse, the average person cannot even fathom spending money on snake proof clothing as food and water are more important.

Here is a list of the different types of snake protective clothing and the ways in which it prevents bites:

Snake Boots

Perhaps the common method of snake protection is through the use of snake boots.  Most snake boots that are designed to stand alone in snake bite prevention are more than twice the height of regular boots.  The common length is between 16 and 18 inches, which is beyond the most common striking height of snakes when it comes to the lower extremities.  Most boots will resist penetration of snake bites without any special fabrics, but many of the higher end products claim to use puncture proof materials.  Even though snake boots are substantially taller than standard boots, the difference in comfort goes mostly unnoticed unless the temperatures are hot.  Even when noticed though, the piece of mind that snake boots give a person is worth any downside they may experience.

Snake Gaiters

A close second in snake bite prevention are Snake Gaiters.  These are basically gaiters that are designed to stop the penetration of snake fangs.  There are many different brands out there and most of them are effective at heights similar to snake boots at about 16-18 inches.  Snake gaiters differ from manufacture to manufacture with the cheaper examples made out of hard plastics and PVC and the more expensive ones made out of high quality puncture proof fabrics.  Obviously the more expensive fabric models are more comfortable, but they will cost a person twice as much.  The main consideration when buying snake gaiters is that they are something you will wear.  Most of the less expensive models are far less comfortable, hotter, and sweatier than the more expensive models.  If you buy the cheap pair but don’t wear them then they won’t do you much good.

Snake Chaps

Designed to protect more than just the lower half of the leg, snake chaps, also known as snake leggings, typically attach to a belt or belt loop and run the entire length of the leg clear down to the boot.  Snake chaps are good for areas that are home to the longer species of venomous snakes such as Diamondback Rattlesnakes and Cobras, as their reach can easily exceed that of a person’s knee.  Again, like snake gaiters, there are both expensive and less expensive brands of snake chaps.  One thing that is common among the lower priced models is that many only offer snake proof protection to the knee and not above.  This is even the case on some expensive models as well so it is important to find this information out before you buy.  Protection below the knee is no better that the less restrictive and less expensive snake gaiters.

Snake Gloves

When most people think of snake bites they think of stepping on a snake and getting bit.  What many fail to realize is that many snake bites occur to the fingers and hands of people.  This is why snake gloves are also an important part of snake bite prevention.  Most bites to the hands occur when doing such activities as gardening, picking up brush, or sticking hands in places where snakes might be hiding.  As you probably already know, snakes blend into their environment very well and unless they hiss or rattle, most will not ever be seen.

Mosquitoes And Life Threatening Diseases


Spring is just around the corner, which means it’s almost time for outside playtime, picnics, backyard BBQs and, yes, pesky mosquitoes. It’s a no-brainer to keep a bottle of mosquito repellent around for these activities, but which repellents work best?

How Does Mosquito Repellent Work?

Though DEET is often referred to as a repellent, it really is used to confuse the mosquitoes. DEET is an active ingredient used in many mosquito repellents. To fight off mosquitoes and ticks, an estimated one-third of people in the United States use DEET products in some variety, whether it’s liquid, lotion, spray or some other form. DEET is designed to be applied directly on a person’s skin. It works by making it difficult for biting bugs, like mosquitoes, to detect a person.

Ways to Help Prevent Mosquito Bites

You shouldn’t solely rely on repellent to help fight off mosquitoes in and around your home. Mosquitoes can multiply quickly, so it’s important to take the necessary steps to help control them. But as with most pests, control begins with prevention. Here are some steps you can take to help prevent mosquitoes on your property and in your home

Remove water sources

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing fresh water, so any stagnant water sources — even those as small as a bottle cap — are potential breeding grounds. That can include clogged gutters, old tires, garbage cans, tarps, dripping outdoor faucets and more. You’ll want to take any steps you can to help reduce mosquito habitat on your property.

Change out water sources routinely

There may be some purposeful water sources around your home that you don’t want to eliminate, like pet bowls, birdbaths and fountains. You can routinely change out these water sources so that mosquito larvae have a difficult time developing.


Mosquitoes can be a real nuisance anywhere in the world, leaving itchy bites on uncovered skin and waking you up from your sleep with their high pitched buzz. But besides being a total annoyance, mosquitoes are also the number 1 killer in the world, causing more human fatalities than sharks

They may look harmless, but the numbers of dengue and malaria cases over the years have proven that mosquitoes are more deadly than they look. Here are some facts that you might want to know about these nasty little insects:

They can develop from eggs to adults in just six to ten days

Mosquitoes are found close to still water, where their larvae feed and develop

They seem to be attracted to dark colours

Mosquitoes will normally bite you at dawn or dusk – or if you’re unlucky, both. That’s when their internal clocks tell them it’s feeding time

How Does Mosquito Infestation Affects Your Business?

Trust – immediate impact on employees’ trust

Damage – serious damage to your health and hygiene reputation

Cost – loss of business opportunities when customers shared negative reviews on your business

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can make our life really miserable. Besides causing constant annoyance and irritation, some species can also transmit deadly diseases. As mosquitoes are pervasive pests, the most effective way to get rid of mosquitoes is to arrange for specialised treatments by fully licensed pest control professionals.

Identify Your Pest

Mosquitoes can be easily known as the deadliest pest in the world. With Dengue and Zika Virus disease on the rise in Indonesia, mosquitoes are labeled as a top pest that pose serious health risks to all. Swollen, red and itchy bumps on your skin and you have not noticed the 3 to 4 bites that have already long formed. Attacking you by surprise is just the world’s deadliest pest – the Mosquito. But hey! Which type of mosquito species has just bitten you? If you are ever lucky to catch sight of the flying insect that has just bitten you, you could identify the type of mosquito and the dangers it comes with.

Methods of Mosquito Control

Bugged by all of the mosquitoes around your Columbia, SC area home? Corder Pest Control knows how you feel

so here are four easy mosquito control services you can use to take out these annoying pests this summer:

Eliminate areas where they can reproduce: Areas of standing water (such as stagnant water, ponds, rainwater, water in flowerpots, or drain water) are common places for mosquitoes to breed. Get rid the standing water and you’ll dramatically lower the number of mosquitoes in your yard.

Keep a wary eye on mosquitoes: Have you noticed more mosquitoes than normal? It may be time to take immediate action. Stopping mosquitoes is critical since they’re more of a serious issue than most people realize. In addition to painful bites, they can also carry dangerous viruses like Zika and West Nile.

Inspect your property and put out traps: Walk around your entire property and look for places where mosquitoes commonly hide or breed. Again, keep in mind areas that hold stagnant water. Develop a plan to apply approved insecticides or put out traps in these places to get rid of mosquitoes and keep them away.

Call for a professional treatment: Professional mosquito treatment is your best option for killing these pests. Professional exterminators know what will work best for your home. We know many homeowners worry about the chemicals and how they may affect pets or children. At Corder Pest Control, we can talk to you about your concerns and choose appropriate chemicals for your household. Odor-free insecticides are available, too.

Tips To Minimize Mosquito Exposure

It’s the middle of summer already, so it doesn’t come as much of a surprise to see mosquitoes at the height of their activity. Many Texas homeowners are familiar with the aggravation mosquitoes cause when we want to participate in any outdoor activities. With mosquito populations on the rise as temperatures continue to soar, what can be done to reduce the risk of being bitten and keep mosquitoes away from your home?

Thankfully, mosquitoes are simple insects, despite how difficult they can be to get rid of. Mosquitoes can find everything they need to breed and lay eggs on our properties. One of the best ways to minimize mosquito exposure this summer is to eliminate the factors that attract them and other pest insects to your property. While not 100% effective, these 5 tips can help reduce the chances of attracting mosquitoes to your Texas home

Dump out items that create sources of standing water for mosquitoes to lay their eggs in, including cans, buckets, kiddie pools, and plastic containers.

Wear insect repellent every time you go outside, especially if you’ll be walking through a wooded area.

Avoid staying outside during the early morning and evening when mosquitoes are the most active.

Keep your grass, hedges, and tree branches cut back from the exterior of your property to avoid attracting mosquitoes and other insects closer to your home.

Stay away from areas where mosquitoes are likely to congregate, such as under heavy tree coverage, thick brush, or tall grass; all of these help to keep moisture in the air.

Why you need professional mosquito treatment

While prevention tips can be a great way to minimize your exposure to mosquitoes, the only sure way you can keep your Texas property mosquito-free this summer is with professional mosquito treatment services from the pro. While DIY methods can help some, the truth is that these treatments aren’t very effective when it comes to protecting your home from such irritating insects. Here our licensed pest specialists have the equipment and experience you need to keep your Texas home protected over the entire mosquito season. For quality mosquito treatments you can trust

Use These Mosquito Prevention Tips Now To Protect You

This is the time of year when Mt. Juliet residents prepare for mosquito season. Are you ready? If not, it isn’t too late to save your spring and summer from being ruined by these irritating, and potentially dangerous, pests. Here are some tips and strategies to help you reduce mosquitoes in your yard.

Remove Standing Water

The mosquitoes that bite you in your yard are usually mosquitoes that are already on your property. This is because mosquitoes don’t travel very far. Some mosquitoes won’t travel more than 300 feet from where they hatched. Therefore, controlling mosquito populations can reduce how many bites you receive. And one of the best ways to control mosquito populations is to reduce stagnant water in your yard. Here are some ways you can do this.

Check your gutters. When gutters are broken or obstructed they can give mosquitoes a breeding site. Mosquitoes can breed in an inch of stagnant water. They’ll breed in obstructed gutters or in standing water that accumulates near your home due to gutter issues.

More Tips To Consider

In addition to the advice above, we have a few additional tips to share. If at all possible, schedule your outdoor activities to avoid dawn and dusk – the times when mosquitoes are most active. We get asked a lot about citronella candles. These candles have a mild repellent effect to mosquitoes, but do not seem to offer significantly better results than burning other candles. Mosquitoes are relatively weak fliers, so placing a large fan on your deck can provide a low-tech solution

The Best Solution for Mosquito Control

Unfortunately, nothing will completely elimination mosquitoes from your yard, but a combination of the efforts recommended above along with regular mosquito misting services is your best solution and will greatly reduce mosquitoes in your yard. When you have a regular mosquito service, mist treatments are applied to your landscaping, tree canopies close to your home and underneath decks to take down mosquitoes that try to hide or breed in your yard. If you live in our Middle Tennessee service area

The Art Of Ants Exterminators

Why tiny ants have invaded your house, and what to do about it

What are ants doing in my house?

Ants are part of nature’s cleaning crew: they efficiently find and remove food left around the house. The problem is, sometimes humans don’t want their help. You’ve probably noticed ants more commonly come indoors in summer – that’s largely because most insects are more active in the warmer months.

Masters of cooperation

Ants are social animals and live in colonies with hundreds, or even millions, of others. They have tiny brains – in many cases smaller than a grain of sand. So how are they so clever at getting into our homes and finding our food? Because they are masters of cooperation.

How do I get rid of ants?

The first step to dealing with ants in your house is ensuring they don’t have access to food. Seal all food in airtight containers, clean behind the fridge and in the toaster, do not leave pet food out longer than necessary, ensure your bins are tightly sealed, and generally make sure there is no food around to entice ants (I know, easier said than done).

Facts About Ants

  • There are more than 12,000 species of ants around the world. The vast majority of these are relatively harmless to people, although you wouldn’t want to share your dinner with them.
  • Ants can carry bacteria, making them potential transmitters of disease or infection. For example, Monomorium ants have been foundTrusted Source to carry pathogenic bacteria, which can be dangerous to people.
  • One common house ant, the pharaoh ant, has been foundTrusted Source to be a potential cause of bronchial asthma and respiratory allergies.
  • Red ants, which are native to certain parts of Africa, have invaded areas of the Southern United States and California. These ants bite and are capable of swarming and killing small animals, such as chickens.

Where Ant Colonies Hide in Your House

If you choose to use insecticides for ant control instead, focus on cracks, holes and gaps as close to the nest as possible. Here are some of the odd spots ants where you might find ant nests, and how to identify the ant colonies and control them.

In foundation walls

 Several types of ants may build nests in or around foundation walls. The most common are known as larger yellow ants, which rarely cause damage or eat human food. Pyrethrins and other spray insecticides are effective for getting rid of most foundation infestations. 

Under the concrete slab

If small ants are eating your meat, pet food, nuts and dead insects, you may be able to trace them to flooring cracks. If so, they may be living under the concrete slab.  University of Minnesota Cooperative Extension experts recommend baiting for ant colonies under concrete slabs.

Inside walls

Various ants live in wall cavities and under floorboards. Many ant colonies can be controlled with syrupy baits.

On insulation

Carpenter ants are among the ants that live in wall cavities, chewing lumber into sawdust and using the sawdust to help build their nests. However, they are also foam “carpenters,” chewing up and reusing foam insulation. They can degrade both wood and insulation over time, so the University of Minnesota experts recommend finding carpenter ant nests and spraying insecticides directly into the nests.

In rotted window frames

Rotted wood in window frames and similar spots provides an ideal home for acrobat ants and other ant species. If infestations are discovered in wood cavities, inject with powdered insecticides. It’s also important to replace any rotted wood and get rid of the sources of rot and moisture.

Behind kitchen cabinets

Tiny grease ants may seem to appear out of nowhere and sneak into food containers. Rather, they are appearing out of tiny gaps and cavities in the kitchen, including spaces behind kitchen cabinets. Such nests can be difficult to find, but baits may work. Also, wipe up all greasy stains and try to eliminate or seal all attractive food sources, including oils, meats and cheeses.

4 Signs You Have An Ant Infestation in Your Home

Therefore, although an ant infestation isn’t dangerous, it’s certainly a major nuisance. And once an ant problem has reached infestation level, it’s going to take a lot of hard work to eradicate them all. If you’re worried you have an ant infestation, here are four signs that could confirm your suspicion:

1. Ants have overrun exposed food

If you haven’t had pest problems before, you probably tend to leave leftovers exposed for short periods of time, or keep items in your pantry in their original containers. When an ant infestation is present, none of these items are safe. Ants will eventually sniff out the exposed food, and you will find it crawling with worker ants before long. To prevent further problems, store all food in the refrigerator or in airtight containers

2. Fido’s food bowl has been infiltrated

Ants aren’t picky; they’ll eat whatever food is available, including food which belongs to your pets. If you have dogs or cats, you’ll likely find a trail of ants leading up to and inside their food bowl.

3. You notice stray ants walking around

The search for food is a continuous one for ants, and when there’s a major infestation present, there will be plenty of scout ants wandering around your home. If you regularly spot individual ants in unconventional places, such as your bedroom or the bathroom, they are probably part of a much larger infestation.

4. You find ant nests outside the home

Ants won’t often build their nests inside of your home, but infestations are usually accompanied by nests that are within close distance of the house, or even adjacent to exterior walls. Look for small mounds of dirt with plenty of ants milling around. They will seem minor and insignificant, but there are countless ants just underneath the surface.


Prevention is always the best form of pest control. Follow these simple guidelines to keep carpenter ants out of your home.

  • /Keep your home clean—particularly the kitchen, flooring, windowsills and countertops. Without a food source, ants will have no reason to enter your home.
  • Seal all food in tightly closed containers. Keep all food storage areas free of crumbs and residues (Tip: wipe off all those jam, sauce and honey containers).
  • Never leave food remains or dirty dishes in the sink.
  • Take the trash out regularly, and keep all trash cans clean and sealed.
  • Any spilled food should be cleaned up immediately.
  • Seal any cracks, crevices and holes—all potential ant entrances—with caulk or other sealant.
  • Remove or remedy all sources of unnecessary moisture both inside and outside your home, including: leaky plumbing, basements, crawl spaces, A/C units, hoses, faucets, sprinklers, clogged drainage areas, etc
  • Remove possible nesting spaces from your yard, such as: woodpiles, wooden yard equipment, brush, dead or dying trees & tree strumps, unused dog houses, furniture, and any other possibly  moist, wooden items.
  • Keep tree limbs and branches away from the walls of your home. Carpenter ants use these as bridges to enter your home.
  • Do not store lumber or firewood inside or right outside your home.

How To Take Care Of A Baby Squirrel

What is the best method of squirrel pest control?

Squirrels always seek a place to build their nest, firstly remove or fulfill those places. You can also build a trap to catch them ou. They like some nuts, peanut butter and things that they are attracted to feed on. And build a trap inside.

Squirrels look really cute when they scurry out of your view in tree or ground burrows or dance through trees and foliage. However, they can be a nuisance in or out of your house. There is a lot that you can do to control squirrel pest without being too much pro or technical.

• Trash cans are a favorite place for squirrels to forage for food. Placing trash cans with tight sealing lids is a good squirrel pest control method.

• Squirrels are experts at gliding across supply lines and tree branches and dropping on rooftops to make their way into the attic. The best method to ward off theses rodents from getting access to the attic is to trim tree branches near your house, if any.

• You can keep sunflower seeds in the feeder. Birds love these seeds, but squirrels don’t.

Squirrel Control Recommendations

Removal of any diet source: bird seed for example, because they attract the squirrels is the first order of business.

Using gutter guards and covering downspouts will reduce the number of squirrels that are entering through the rooftop and facia boards.

There are no poison baits on the market that squirrels will eat and die, except Ditrac Ground Squirrel Bait that is only made to control the California Ground Squirrel (found in western states). Typical rodent control bait for mice and rat control will not work against other squirrels.

Are you tired of the menace created by squirrels in your home? While squirrels are cute creatures, they might be sometimes disturbing given the mess they tend to create all around in your home. These frequent visitors bring twigs, leaves, and branches of all sorts from all around and leave the exterior of your home quite unorganized and dirty

Tips to Keep Your Home Rodent and Squirrel Free This Fall

Out with the old, in with the new- Are there broken or old and warped attic, dryer or gable vents on the exterior of your home? Now is the time to replace them. Rodents and squirrels have no trouble tearing through vents to enter your attic or home.

Don’t hang bird feeders- Bird feeders are prone to both squirrel and mouse feeding. Squirrels are exceptionally good climbers, so breaking into bird feeders is a treat for squirrels. Even if squirrels don’t touch your bird feeders, birds will. Birds fling seeds around, leaving piles on the ground while they feed. Mice and rats flock to this easy food source, attracting them to your property. Next stop? Inside your house.

Seal it up- Take a walk around the exterior of your home. Look for cracks and crevices that can be sealed with foam or stuffed with steel wool. Mice are not able to chew through steel wool, so getting it right the first time is important. Mice have collapsible bodies and can fit through tiny holes and gaps as small as ¼ inch. Once they enter your home, mice nest in wall voids, insulation, attics, under refrigerators, under stoves, and under dishwashers. It’s better to take a proactive approach as soon as you find these vulnerabilities.

Stop using essential oils- They do not work for pest control. If it was this easy, pest control companies would be out of business. If mice or squirrels are getting into your home, the entry point needs to be sealed. Think about it this way. If a bird keeps flying through a broken window in your house, would you spray essential oils onto the broken opening or would you fix the window?

Keep it clean- Sweep up crumbs inside your home on a regular basis. Make sure that you pay close attention to the hard to reach spaces that are easily ignored such as under stoves and under dishwashers. In garages, move bird seed and grass seeds into heavily secured Tupperware or containers.

Choosing a Squirrel Removal Company

Sometimes the best and easiest way to remove a squirrel or exclude it from your property is to hire a company to do it for you. Wildlife removal companies are not well monitored or licensed, so it is up to you to ask questions about a company’s practices before hiring them

A good wildlife removal company should

Provide a customized plan of action and a firm price estimate before you are required to commit

Focus on long-term solutions, such as fixing potential entry points (as opposed to simply removing squirrels)

Guarantee their work (for at least one year)

Know about squirrel behaviour, such as when babies are born and where squirrels are likely to gain entry to a building.

Use only humane live traps (cage traps) or one-way doors to remove animals (rather than leg-hold traps or other harmful capture devices)

Physically check the space for babies, no matter the time of year

Release any live-trapped animals on-site.  Never hire a company that moves squirrels to a new location: this is illegal and harmful to the animals. Instead, they should remove squirrels from the nest space and seal the hole to prevent return.

Another Look at the “Humane” Alternative

Thousands of squirrels call our city home. Sometimes we don’t think about our wild neighbours until there is a problem: a squabble over who gets the garden vegetables, or an uninvited tenant taking up residence in the roof. While squirrels are only trying to meet their basic food and shelter needs, these conflicts can be extremely frustrating for homeowners.

So why not trap the squirrels and move them somewhere else?

Contrary to popular belief, live-trapping a squirrel and relocating it is not a good way to solve any problem you might be having with the animal. While trapping may seem like a humane option, it often ends in a death sentence for the squirrel and leaves your property vulnerable to ongoing wildlife conflicts

There’s no place like home

Many people think that a squirrel can survive anywhere. It may even appear that moving a squirrel from an urban backyard to a ravine, park, or forest will help it, since these spaces seem more “natural.” But the truth is, squirrels have specific home ranges where they are adapted to living

How to Get Rid of Squirrels?

Whether you want to learn how to get rid of squirrels because they are in your attic, scaring the birds away from birdbaths and feeders, or just want to ensure your children aren’t at risk when they play in the yard, squirrel control can be achieved in a number of different ways. Below are some simple tips on getting rid of squirrels based on the leading research in squirrel removal and control.

How to get rid of squirrels outside

Most of the squirrels you see outside your home are not going to present a problem. It’s when they invade your living space that the real nuisance starts. But as the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection notes,

‟Another major complaint about squirrels is the disruption they may cause at bird feeders. Feeders should be placed in an area where squirrels cannot gain access to them, far away from shrubs and overhanging tree branches. Mounting the feeder on a metal pole at least six feet high and attaching a metal, cone-shaped baffle to the pole will help prevent squirrels from reaching it. Hanging feeders are not recommended, since squirrels will climb down the hanger wire or will shake the wire until the food falls to the ground.”

How to get rid of ground squirrels in your home

If you need help getting rid of squirrels in your home, a pest management professional is going to be your safest bet as well. The Environmental Protection Agency summarizes the options for squirrel control

‟Be warned, if someone recommends using mothballs, forget it; it’s illegal. The EPA allows moth balls for moths and caterpillars only. This is because moth balls are toxic to humans and pets. You can try trapping them [squirrels], locking them out, or quickly sealing up holes if you know they are out to get lunch and water.”

Tips To Keep Squirrels Away From Your House

If you have a squirrel problem at your house, you’re just a phone call away from help from professional pest control specialists, who will be necessary if you have discovered a squirrel inside your home. Many people insist on trying to get rid of squirrels that have invaded their home without the help of trained exterminators, and this is just not wise because of the danger involved with these animals.

If you have a squirrel problem, our first suggestion is to avoid squirrel repellents you see in home goods stores because they simply don’t work. While these products may serve as a temporary deterrent for the squirrels around your yard, they will not get rid of them for good. Squirrels are extremely determined little pests, and once they choose your home as their new hangout, they are very hard to get rid of, but there are steps you can take keep them out of your yard, garden and home for the time being.

First, remove any food and water provided for your pets from the decks, porches, and yard surrounding your home. With colder temperatures upon us, it’s time to keep your animals indoors as much as possibly anyway. Those bowls of food and water are invitations to the squirrels in your area to hang out near your home, so the sooner you remove the bowls of food, the sooner your squirrels will be forced to look elsewhere for their next meal.

Next, take a thorough walk around the exterior of your home and check for any holes or spaces that these critters can enter your home through, and patch them up immediately. Make sure you close holes and spaces with durable materials that will last such as metal, glass or aluminum. Squirrels can gnaw their way through plastic, wood and similar lightweight materials, so choose the toughest stuff on the market to protect the interior of your home from these pests

If you have bird feeders in your yard, move them to the farthest corners and as far away from any doors or windows to your home as possible. Squirrels are big fans of bird feeders, so if the feeders are close to your home, the squirrels will be close to your home, also.