Signs You Should Hire an Attorney for Your Divorce
Getting divorced in Virginia can be a complicated endeavor. If you have children, assets, or any other likely points of dispute you should contact a Virginia divorce attorney for women. If you’re getting divorced in Virginia, you might be wondering whether you need to hire an attorney. While the idea of having a Virginia divorce attorney for women on your side can seem appealing, you may not know much about working with a lawyer and be unsure of what to expect.
In the age of the Internet, everyone seems to be a do-it-yourselfer. Whether the project is a home renovation or a divorce, there seems to be a book or a kit that tells you exactly how it can be done without a professional. This might sound like a good deal, but as anyone with DIY home repair experience will tell you, embarking on a project when you don’t have the knowledge or experience required can end up being a disaster.
The same is true for getting divorced in Virginia. Individuals who attempt to do their own divorces often run into unforeseen complications and end up regretting their decision. It’s important to evaluate your case and know what you’re getting into before you begin.
Signs You Should Consult an Attorney
- You foresee a child custody dispute. Having kids changes your life forever, including the way you approach a divorce. When you have kids, the stakes are high, and unfortunately couples often end up fighting bitterly over custody. It’s true that some couples are able to coolly negotiate the terms of custody and visitation, but this is not the norm.
- You and/or your spouse have more than a few thousand dollars in assets; especially if there’s a marital home involved. It’s wise to have an attorney who can help make sure that you’re treated fairly when it comes to division of assets.
- You and your spouse own a business together. This scenario can be quite complicated in a divorce. An attorney will know how to navigate the confusing details, and can enlist the help of financial professionals like appraisers and consultants.
- There was domestic violence or abuse in your relationship. The emotional dynamic that’s present when one spouse dominates and intimidates the other makes it impossible to communicate on equal ground. When getting divorced in Virginia, the abusive spouse can easily “negotiate” the other spouse into an unfair deal if no legal counsel is involved

Things You Should Include In Your Parenting Plan
Every family is unique therefore your parenting plan should be designed around the needs of your family. You will include a number of children you have as well as their ages, schooling needs, and so on. Some specific points you should cover include:
- Schedule – This is one of the essential elements. You and your co-parent must include details about how you plan to meet your child’s physical needs. Some factors such as your children’s age and school schedule can impact the parenting schedule. The most important thing to keep in mind is that your children need sufficient time with you and your ex-spouse. Parents must create a schedule that allows children to spend equal time with both parents.
- Special events – Some events such as the holidays, birthdays, school recitals, and so on, may suffer some interruptions. You need to decide where your children will spend Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.
- Expenses – Who will cover the costs? This is a question only you and your former spouse can answer. Some expenses you can split 50/50 while others are a bit difficult to figure out. You can always use a tool to write down child-related costs. It can help you and your co-parent provide a financially stable environment for your children, whether they’re staying with you or with your former spouse.
- Making important decisions – It is best when both parents are actively involved in the children’s lives and in making decisions regarding their education, discipline, religious practices, health care, etc. You can talk to your co-parent about these big decisions and trace a parenting plan that includes how you will handle these major decisions.

Divorcing Women: Five Signs You Might Need A New Attorney
In a divorce, all negotiations and deal points go through your attorney. If he or she is a poor negotiator, an unimpressive litigator or simply fails to understand the complexities of your case, your financial future could be in jeopardy.
So, if you’re dissatisfied with your lawyer, should you hang on, or let go? Breaking up with your husband is unpleasant enough – do you have to break up with your divorce attorney, too?
Let me help you work through that decision. As I see it, here are the top five signs that you might be better served by a different divorce attorney:
Your attorney doesn’t return calls or answer your questions.
Obviously, your attorney will not pick up the phone herself every time you call, nor will she be able to respond within the hour every time you have a thought or a question. Keep in mind that divorce attorneys are often in court –especially in the mornings –and if they are in trial, they can be at the courthouse all day for a week or more, in some cases. Even so, you should not feel that your lawyer is unresponsive. Being busy is one thing, but ignoring you when you need answers is not OK.
How to avoid it: Make your expectations about communication clear from the outset. Maybe it doesn’t bother you not to talk directly, but even so, you expect emails to be answered within twenty-four hours. On the other hand, maybe you hate email and want frequent telephone updates. Whatever your preferences, state them up front. Also, please remember: Your attorney is not your therapist, and you can’t presume she’ll be able to help you cope with personal issues the way a trained counselor will. You may need to adjust your expectations, or you may decide this attorney is simply not someone you can work with.
You feel intimidated –or even bullied –by your attorney.
Let’s face it, lawyers – and particularly litigators – can be very intimidating people. They need to be! You don’t get to be a successful attorney without some ability to intimidate or outdo an opponent in court. You want your attorney to have impressive knowledge, experience and courtroom presence. This person cannot be a shrinking violet.
However, it’s difficult to work with someone who talks down to you. If you get a “don’t worry your pretty little head about that” vibe from your attorney, you’re not being taken seriously, and that is a problem. Even worse, I’ve had clients whose attorneys were almost as verbally abusive as their soon-to-be-ex-husbands.
How to avoid it: Educate yourself so you have a working knowledge of divorce basics, like the difference between separate and marital property and how assets are divided. And remember: Your attorney works for you, and not the other way around. If your lawyer doesn’t seem to recognize the nature of your relationship, it may be time to walk.
You leave the lawyer’s office feeling worse than when you came in.
No divorce attorney should promise you the moon. You likely won’t get every last thing you ask for in a divorce settlement negotiation –and that’s precisely why it’s a negotiation, not just a list of demands to be filled. On the other hand, you don’t want the sense that your attorney has no ideas or isn’t making a proper effort on your behalf. If you don’t have confidence in your lawyer’s ability to negotiate a fair settlement, it’s no wonder you will leave their office feeling distinctly hopeless.
How to avoid it: During your initial interview with prospective attorneys, don’t focus on the particulars (“I really want to keep the house,” e.g.). Instead, state your goal (“I want to come out of this divorce in the best possible financial shape”) and ask your prospective attorney to suggest a plan of action. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and emphasize that you want to understand best and worse-case scenarios equally. Also ask what advice this attorney would be giving your husband, were it him and not you across the conference room table.

Essential Signs of a Good Divorce Lawyer
Divorces are not a pleasant experience. Especially if we face them alone. If there are numerous assets and liabilities to be taken care of, as well as children, things get even more complicated. That’s why it’s advisable to seek the help of a professional divorce lawyer.
But how to choose one in the ever-growing sea of divorce lawyers? One that’s going to lend us their helping hand during a tough time like going through a divorce. One that’s not going to be judgmental but helpful.
The top 7 signs of a good divorce lawyer. They’ll help you choose yours much more easily.
They Have a Website.
Having a website is essential for a couple of reasons: 1) You can get to know the lawyer by reading the information they have provided in their About section or on their blog. By the way the website is designed and how the information is presented, you can see whether the lawyer is a real professional, and whether it’s easy to work with him/her. 2) You can read client testimonials, which leads us to sign #2.
The Lawyer Has Good Customer Reviews.
Feedback from past clients is one of the most important things you should consider before hiring a divorce lawyer. If they have many reviews, and the majority of them is positive, that means the lawyer might be a good fit for your specific case, too.
They’re Active on Social Media.
While this is not necessarily a must, when a lawyer devotes some of their precious time to expanding their presence online, that’s definitely a good sign. And it’s another way to get to know the lawyer before even considering giving them a call.
Read the lawyer’s posts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, sign up for their newsletters, and see how they communicate and respond to comments. This will be helpful to decide whether you’ll be a good fit.
A good listener
While you might want your lawyer to listen to your pain and sadness, that is not their job. They are not a trained therapist and using them as one is a gross misuse of time and money. What might seem immensely important to you might not have an impact on your case. With that being said, it is vital that a top divorce lawyer in The Woodlands is a good listener – they just need to listen for different information. Your attorney needs to understand your goals and needs legally.
Although it can be difficult to hear the truth, especially if it isn’t in your favor, a top divorce lawyer in The Woodlands needs to be honest. This applies to both your case’s outcome and lawyer’s fees. A good lawyer will never lie just to save you from discomfort, and they will never be dishonest about payments. Certain types of representation have flat fees, but most types of legal matters vary. It is a sign of good ethics if your lawyer gives you a range for how much their time and services will cost.
While it is important for your lawyer to be both a good listener and honest, they also shouldn’t empathize too much with your pain. A top divorce lawyer in The Woodlands is able to stay objective while seeking the truth at all times. Your relationship with your lawyer should be professional and based on trust and facts.
An objective lawyer will always ensure quality customer service. A sign of a top divorce lawyer in The Woodlands is their ability to make working with them enjoyable. You, and all other parties involved in the case, should feel respected and included throughout the entire process. This includes having a quick response time and great communication skills.